Feb 2, 2025
Ghosts have a way of working their way into the things we become obsessed with. Focus your energy someplace long enough, haunted tales of fascination will trail along. What are we more obsessed with than video games. From hours spent dropping coin after coin to days spent in front of the screen trying to complete the...
Sep 26, 2024
There’s that perfect shot which captures the emotion of a ghost story and freezes it in our mind forever. Sometimes it’s a picture snapped at the right time or a painting stealing a moment with a precise hand. We remember the famous Brown Lady of Raynham Hall and the Little Girl in the Burning Building. They are...
Sep 9, 2024
Be careful when you pick up the phone. Know who you're dialing, get the number right, and whatever you do...don't invite anything in.
The rumor is a ghost was contacted the first time Alexander Graham Bell used the phone, and it hasn't eased up since. The technology changes, but the creepy remains. From calls...
Jul 5, 2024
We’re going live with the launch of the new book and two interesting news stories that strike right at the heart of what we do.
The first is one making the rounds and gaining momentum. Glen Powell speaks on the ills of dating and the rise of cannibals on Bumble.
See the interview:
Jun 13, 2024
A buried and resurrected episode with all of its warts and lofty ideas.
Religions are based on belief, but also ritual and faith. Sounds like a perfect palate for urban legends and ghost stories. Now add an abandon church and a college campus. It’s one of the supposa be haunted kind of ideas. But what happens when...