Mar 26, 2018
The Tripper take their first trip to Ormond Beach, Florida, and discover there might be more one the coast than just a few old Native American Stories.
They start at the infamous Fairchild Oak, which has been called at times the Death Tree, the Murder Tree, and the Suicide Tree. Christopher Balzano and Natalie Crist...
Mar 7, 2018
What's your favorite scary movie? After looking into two classic horror movies last week, Natalie Crist shows Christopher Balzano the movie that gave her nightmares as a kid, the 1988 classic The Woman in White.
They get into stories and legends Balzano has tracked down involving the Woman in White legends and explore...
Mar 7, 2018
With Christopher Balzano and Natalie Crist temporarily grounded from tripping, it's time to stay home and explore the movies that scare the crap out of Natalie. How much of the Ring is based on folklore? Does Poltergeist owe more to urban legend than to the paranormal community?
Read Balzano's article about...
Mar 5, 2018
With Christopher Balzano and Natalie Crist temporarily grounded from tripping, it's time to stay home and explore the movies that scare the crap out of Natalie. How much of the Ring is based on folklore? Does Poltergeist owe more to urban legend than to the paranormal community?
Read Balzano's article about...