Mar 29, 2021
Art may keep alive the spirit of those who have passed, but what if it breathes real life into them? What if the powers that balance the scales ask for payment on the other side?
Last May, Christopher Balzano appeared on Tim Weisberg’s Midnight Society to talk about haunted movie curses. At some point, the...
Mar 21, 2021
One of our first legend trips ever to the Devil’s Tree. Our second leg, a quick shot to the spiritualist community in Cassadaga and the Devil’s Chair, was derailed when we stupidly decided to take a souvenir.
Now Tripping on Legends with Kids is taking up the trail and traveling to the oddest town in the oddest part...
Mar 21, 2021
One of our first legend trips ever to the Devil’s Tree. Our second leg, a quick shot to the spiritualist community in Cassadaga and the Devil’s Chair, was derailed when we stupidly decided to take a souvenir.
Now Tripping on Legends with Kids is taking up the trail and traveling to the oddest town in the oddest part...
Mar 10, 2021
She walks the bridge, although no one quite remembers why. She walks the halls, but everybody has a different reason why and calls her by a different name. Question is, what happens when the doors close and the bridge is torn down? Will she find a different place to go?
Join Christopher Balzano and Deanna Mulhern as...