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Tripping on Legends

Jun 13, 2024

A buried and resurrected episode with all of its warts and lofty ideas.


Religions are based on belief, but also ritual and faith. Sounds like a perfect palate for urban legends and ghost stories. Now add an abandon church and a college campus. It’s one of the supposa be haunted kind of ideas. But what happens when...

Jun 26, 2023

Sometimes you just need to be there to get why a haunted legend comes alive.

There’s a story of a witch, a woods, and people who visit her ghost in the hopes of touching her wall and earning a little of her power. Sound familiar? What happens though when the wall is more story than a structure and the witch is...

Jun 15, 2023

The dead man’s ghost is possessed by a pig who was feasting on his body as it sat on the edge of the water waiting to be retrieved by the police. Fishermen in the area won’t eat anything caught there or fish when the sun goes down because of the hog-like screams that come from the glowing specter who floats on the...

Apr 23, 2023


There are a few reasons people make up folklore. They are trying to learn a lesson or remember something important to pass down. They are wanting to cherish a historical moment.


Then some folklore is meant to explain something in nature that science has not yet tackled. Why are their lights in the sky? Where does...

Mar 20, 2023

Ever been to Urkhammer or Ashely? Have you picked up your hat and cup and keychain from Doveland?


Travel across the country and you'll find rumors of towns that don't exist and places people remember but can't quite communicate about. It could be collective amnesia, the Mandela Effect, or maybe just a case of the...